2014年8月17日 星期日

翻譯練習:Twitch公告 - 不負責任翻譯 (出自:http://blog.twitch.tv/2014/08/3136/)

Important: Changes To Audio In VODS


Aug 06 2014 · 1,662 comments · Engineering, News, Tech
(201486 · 1662留言 · 工程, 新聞, 科技)

[UPDATE 9:20  AM PT Aug 7]: Today’s AMA with Emmett Shear will now be hosted on /r/IAmA. Please join us at 10:30 AM PST.
([更新於西部時間(太平洋時間) 87 早上9:20]:今天AMA(應用程式管理代理)Emmett Shear 將於現在「be hosted on /r/IAmA(不會翻,不懂意思)。請在太平洋時間早上10點半加入我們。)

Please Note:  Audio Recognition applies to VODs only.
Starting today, Twitch will be implementing technology intended to help broadcasters avoid the storage of videos containing unauthorized third-party audio.

We respect the rights of copyright owners, and are voluntarily undertaking this effort to help protect both our broadcasters and copyright owners.

What Is Audio Recognition?  (什麼是聲音辨識系統?)
We’ve partnered with Audible Magic, which works closely with the recorded music industry, to scan past and future VODs for music owned or controlled by clients of Audible Magic.
(我們已經與Audible Magic合作,Audible Magic與錄音音樂產業密切合作,從音樂合法的擁有或管理,掃瞄Audible Magic客戶過去和未來的VODs)

This includes in-game and ambient music.

When music in the Audible Magic database is detected (“Flagged Content”), the affected portion of the VOD will be muted and volume controls for that VOD will be turned off.
(當在Audible Magic資料庫的音樂被偵測到("已標示內容")VOD不自然的部份將會被消音,VOD的音量控制將會被關掉。)

Additionally, past broadcasts and highlights with Flagged Content are exportable but will remain muted.

The Audible Magic technology will scan for third party music in 30 minute blocks — if Audible Magic does not detect its clients’ music, that portion of the VOD will not be muted.
(Audible Magic的技術將會以30分鐘為一個區塊來掃瞄第三方音樂 如果Audible Magic沒有偵測到客戶的音樂,VOD的部分將不會被消音。)

If third party audio is detected anywhere in the 30-minute scanned block, the entire 30 minutes will be muted.

How It Works: Scanning VODs Only  (如何運作:只掃瞄VODs)
Audio Recognition will only be run against audio in VODs. We are not scanning live broadcasts and there is no automated takedown of live content.

Flagged Content will display an on-screen notification informing viewers that content owned or controlled by a third party has been identified.

The progress bar will also be red for the duration of the muted section.

Please note that Audio Recognition is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

It may return false positives or miss content from copyright owners who do not work with Audible Magic.
(它可能會誤報或漏掉未跟Audible Magic合作的版權所有人之內容。)

If you wish to include music in your VODs, please remember that you are responsible for clearing all such rights (this includes ambient music that may be playing in the background while you are broadcasting).

If you would like to include free-to-use music in your VODs, there are a variety of resources available to you, including:
  • Creative Commons    (http://creativecommons.tw/explore) (創用C.C)
  • Jamendo                     (http://xn--94q575bewef4ad73ioco.xn--hxy85gqyc.tw/) (免費授權音樂)
  • SongFreedom             (https://www.songfreedom.com/) (自由音樂)
Broadcaster & Copyright Owner Appeals  (實況主&版權擁有者上訴)
If you believe that your video has been flagged improperly and that you have cleared the rights to all of the sound recordings in your uploaded video, then we will consider unmuting your video if you send us a counter-notification that is compliant with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”).

Any copyright owner that believes that any of their content is used in any live broadcasts or VOD without authorization should submit a notification of claimed infringement to Twitch pursuant to our Terms of Service.

If you are the legal owner of copyrighted music that you would like to protect via Audible Magic’s technology, visit AudibleMagic.com.
(如果你是版權音樂的合法擁有者,你想藉由Audible Magic的科技得到保護,請至AudibleMagic.com)

Twitch has partnered with Audible Magic without waiving any rights or defenses available to it under law.
(Twitch已與Audible Magic合作,Audible Magic沒有放棄任何權利和防禦,依法可使用它。)

Twitch is not obligated to filter content stored on the Twitch platform by its users and assumes no liability for the actions of its users notwithstanding the implementation of the Audible Magic technology.
(Twitch沒有義務過濾使用者儲存在Twitch平台上的內容,儘管有Audible Magic的執行,也沒有承擔使用者行為的責任。)

Twitch reserves the right to stop filtering audio content in VODs in its sole discretion at any time and without liability to any third party, subject only to any contractual obligations.

We want to hear your feedback and questions. Tune in to the following events to ask us (almost!) anything:
l   Reddit AMA on /r/Twitch: Thursday, August 7, 10:30am PST
(Reddit AMA on /r/Twitch:太平洋時間,八月七日,星期四,早上10點半)

l   Twitch Weekly: Friday, August 8 at 2pm PST

And, as always, please feel free to leave your comments below. We will answer as best we can.




不負責任翻譯: Remylin's Studio.

